Welcome to my first blog for Japan Reach! I don’t consider myself a writer, but I hope in spite of my writing skills you will hear my love for Japan and the Japanese people.

This past October we took a team of five to Japan. Most of what we accomplished on this trip was making connections in our new location Tokushima. We built relationships with seven different churches. At one of the churches our team and another church in the area helped pass out flyers to the surrounding area to announce their very first service. At another church we had a “Kentucky” barbecue and made sock puppets with the children. One of the churches had an all deaf service. We had the best time trying to communicate using Japanese sign language. I found out that I am much better communicating in Japanese Sign Language then Japanese spoken language. Each church was unique and special in their own way. It was a pleasure connecting and listening to their desire to reach the community around them.

I was amazed how God led us from one church to the next. It really was His guidance all along the way. Making these connections will give us many more opportunity’s to share the gospel through English classes, testimonies, children programs, traditional Japanese puppetry performances and more. One of the pastors in Tokushima mentioned to Marty Holman, the missionary we work with, that revival is coming to Tokushima. I believe it!! Especially when you see churches come together to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I could go on and on about other connections we made, but I don’t particularly like reading long blogs. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am very excited about the new doors that are wide open for Japan Reach. Thank you for supporting this ministry. Every prayer and financial support matters. We will continue to share the love of our savior Jesus Christ with the people in Japan and American too. More blogging will be coming soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

Proverbs 16:9 We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

