Sometimes when we go on mission trips we think it’s all about what we have to give. We may think we have the answers and don’t need anything ourselves.

Missions is so much more than giving only. It’s receiving and learning as well. You may be surprised how much you can receive and learn from a culture so different from your own.

The world we live in is made up of many cultures. God designed it this way and it’s beautiful.

Japan Reach missions is about giving, receiving, and learning.

This past week I gave some encouragement to someone in Japan. It was just what they needed to hear and it came at a perfect time. I love how the Holy Spirit nudges us to send a text, make a phone call, or write an email. The very same week I received some encouragement from a pastor’s wife in Japan. Her text filled my heart with confidence and reassurance. It was just what I needed to hear and perfect timing too. It blessed me tremendously.

We give and we also receive.

Another time I received some encouragement from a church member in Japan was when we went to our first Sunday morning service and I was scheduled to share a testimony. My testimony was about trying to connect with a friend who suffers from depression. I made it to the front door of his home, but he would not come out. It broke my heart. I was so close. After much prayer and wondering why I got so close to seeing him, but could not. God reminded me of something. He was with my friend in his darkest moments. After service was over a lady encouraged me. She was going to pray for a miracle to happen in my friend’s life. I was so touched and moved by her concern for me and my friend. We prayed together and cried together. Before I returned home I received an email from my friend. It was an answer to our prayer.

Be open to receive and learn from the Japanese people when you go on a mission trip with us.

I have been to Japan four times in the past two and a half years. Some of the things I have learned I will share with you in future blogs.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

