One of the things I have learned being around the Japanese people is they highly value their food and don’t overindulge in it. I heard they stop eating when they are around 80% full.

Their portion sizes are not as large as Americans. They don’t eat as many sweets as we do or snack as much. This is at least what I have observed.

They have a variety of different foods like fish, rice, miso soup, veggies, and noodles which are considered the pillars of the traditional Japanese meals.

One meal I particularly love is Japanese curry. All the times I have been to Japan curry has been my most favorite meal. I am always on the lookout for curry restaurants and get excited when I spot one.

Since going to Tokushima now RAMEN has taken the place of curry. The pastor at one of the churches in Tokushima introduced our Japan Reach team to Tokushima ramen which was amazingly delicious. The broth is thick and creamy with lots of noodles topped with savory pork strips. I think we are going to make it a requirement for all Japan Reach mission teams to eat Tokushima ramen. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have heard it is difficult to make ramen and quite a long process just to make the broth. My mom is going to try to make it. She is really good at making soup so she is excited to take on the challenge of making ramen.

Ramen portions are bigger in Japan than in America. ๐Ÿ™‚

We all know how important it is to eat. Even more then eating food God desires for us to do his will and to do the work he has given each one of us to do.

I love the words of Jesus in John 4:34. “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

Jesus was focused on doing what his father gave him to do. It was nourishment to his soul.

Do you know the work God has given you to do? He has something planned just for you. It might be going on a mission trip with Japan Reach. ๐Ÿ™‚ Whatever it may be God will guide you and it will be nourishment for your soul.

Feel free to leave a comment. Have a wonderful week!

