I have heard it is especially common to visit the Buddhist Temples in Japan on New Year’s Eve to ring a bell. The reason for ringing the bell is to purify yourself of the 108 worldly desires of the human heart according to the Buddhist religion. Therefore many people gather to be a part of these ceremonies. Below is a picture of the temple my Japanese friend visited this past New Year’s. I posted it to illustrate the magnitude of the gatherings. Sorry it is a little dark. The picture was taken in the middle of the night.

Todaiji Temple in Nara

Several things came to my mind as I was pondering this Buddhist tradition. I try to look at everything through the lenses of God’s word. It gives me 2020 vision for 2020. ๐Ÿ™‚

Search my Heart

The first thing that came across my mind was to ask God to search my heart. When I celebrate the New Year I don’t normally ask God to search my heart to see if there is any wicked way in me. I really appreciate how the Japanese people are aware of the worldly desires of the human heart and don’t especially want to start the New Year holding onto these things.

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thought: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

In reality only God truly knows what is deep down in our hearts. Don’t be afraid to ask Him to search your heart as you start this New Year. God loves us and desires the best for our lives.

Desire Purity

Secondly is to desire purity. I also like how the Japanese desire to have a pure heart. This is actually something I most certainly desire also on a regularly basis. It is a wonderful feeling to have a pure heart. I don’t particularly like holding on to grudges, hatred, unforgiveness, or any other ugly impurity in my heart. It really bothers me if I have these things in my life. The best way to get rid of them is to ask God to create a pure heart in you. He is the one who created you in the first place. He most definitely can create in you a pure heart.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.


Lastly and most importantly celebrate Jesus this New Year. As much as I desire to be pure all the time I fail. We all fail and can’t possibly be perfectly pure all the time without the most important person in our life, Jesus. God knew we needed a higher power other than our own to completely rid ourselves of the worldly desires of the human heart. I know the answer and His name is Jesus. He is the answer for me and everyone else in this world to make us completely pure. JESUS is a good reason to celebrate this New Year!!

Dear Jesus,

Remove the worldly desires of my heart. Create in me a pure heart. I want to look more and more like you this New Year.

Happy New Year!!



Here is a link about ringing the bell, if you would like to read more about it.
