As a Christian some people wonder how I could visit a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine in Japan. This can make some Christians feel very uncomfortable visiting a place that has a different form of worship than their own. Yet, some can easily visit places other people worship such as sporting events, department stores, and entertainment venues. This blog is not about encouraging you to visit them if it makes you feel uncomfortable. However it is to give you reasons why I can visit these places and feel God near me.
1. Relationship
Building relationships with the Japanese people is so important to me. Japan Reach started from one relationship with a mom in the middle of a crisis. As a result of this one relationship many more have blossomed. Keeping these relationships strong and caring about what is meaningful to them matters to me. What is truly meaningful to them? The same things you and I care about for example family, good health, safety, meaningful jobs, friendships, and living a peaceful life.

My friend who is a Buddhist priest’s wife ask me one time as we were touring in Kyoto if I felt comfortable going into a Buddhist temple. She knew I was a Christian and did not want me to feel uncomfortable. I told her I was fine and when she comes to visit me in America we will go to church. ๐

2. Viewing God’s Creation
Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines are places we can see God’s beautiful creation. Taking the time to view the mountains, trees, mossy gardens, which are one of my favorites, flowers, rock gardens, bamboo, and waterfalls shouts of God’s magnificence straight into my heart. There is something special between us and God’s creation. Remember God placed Adam and Eve in a lush garden from the very beginning. The Japanese people take care of God’s creation so well. My mom liked all the different kinds of trees and how they are uniquely sculptured.
The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15

During one the of mission trips I remember walking through a Shinto shrine with our tour guide. She told me this particular shrine represented thankfulness for the mountain which helps to supply water for crops to grow and drinking water for the people. The thankfulness they expressed for the mountain impressed me so much. Personally I felt a little convicted about not being as thankful as I could be for God’s creation. Therefore it made me think about God’s goodness to us in His creation. As a result I had the opportunity to share with her my thoughts of God and believing in one God who makes all these beautiful things.
Through him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:3

Lastly, this leads to my next point making connections with God’s Word the Bible.
3. Making connections to the Bible
Many times I made connections to the Bible walking through temples and shrines. One time particular is when you enter a shrine you have to wash your hands and mouth. People do this in order to purify their hands and mouth from evil. Believe me the tongue is the most evil part on our bodies!! Not only do they purify themselves we too are to do the same as Christians.
Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2 Corinthians 7:1

My desire and the desire of Japan Reach is to love people by allowing God to love through us. I care deeply for the Japanese people and pray they see and experience the joy I have found in knowing Jesus. I hope and pray Japan Reach is making a difference. If it means I have to walk into a temple or a shine I gladly will and feel God near me the entire time.
God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. Acts 17:27
I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8

God wants us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. What is the gospel? The gospel is good newsโthe good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ and His soon return. This week I had a friend, who is an atheist, ask me why it is taking so long for Jesus to return. It has been over 2,000 years and he has not returned as promised and the Bible stated he would return in a short while after His death. A thousand years is like a day to Him. It is not taking Him long to return. He is patient with us because He loves us.
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
I will go wherever God leads me to reach one more. ๐