Have you ever wondered where the money goes when you donate to a ministry? Could a $1 donation be equally as important as a $100 donation? Is it possible to impact someone’s life with a recurring contribution of $10 a month? How would a larger donation effect Japan Reach? These are some great questions to think about.

Japan Reach, of course, takes a team effort to reach out to the Japanese people. It is not only about the people who go to Japan or the ones who do ministry here. It is also about the donors who play a big part in this ministry. Every dollar you give is making an impact.

What has $1 Done?

When we think about $1 it doesn’t seem like much at all. However, a few dollars can bless someone tremendously. Just this week I received a message from a student whose mother received a card from us.

My mom was so happy to get letter. Thank you!

Most people don’t send cards in the mail anymore at least not in America. Surprisingly, it only takes a few dollars to make someone feel loved and appreciated. This is part of what Japan Reach does.

Before one of the students left to return to Japan we shared a bubble tea together. This is another thing that only cost a few dollars. We had a nice meaningful conversation together. Since she has returned home I received this message from her.

Could you tell me which part of Bible that you gave me I should read when I want to raise up from the dark?

Every dollar you give is making an impact!!!

Giving $10 a Month

Last year a few of the churches in the surrounding area where I live allowed me to come and share about Japan Reach. At one particular church someone committed to giving $10 a month. This might not seem like much to you, but it meant the world to me. This was my first recurring support. Every time I receive the check in the mailbox I smile all the way to the house.

Giving $10 a month impacted me!!

Monthly contributions certainly add up over time whatever the amount. My pastor always says it is not about the amount you give. It is about giving to advance the kingdom of God. When you store up your treasures in Heaven you will never regret it. Seeing people experiencing the love of God for the first time is a great investment.

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalm 96:3

Why $100 Donation?

Well, it takes hundreds of dollars to get to Japan. Last year we were able to take two teams to Japan. This year I am considering going twice. Since Japan Reach started we have taken a total of 17 people to Japan. Those who went have impacted someone’s life through either a testimony, soccer game in the park, eating at a bakery, making a sock puppet, talking about Jesus while walking through a shrine, eating a meal together, and many more other ways.

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15

What You Give Matters!!

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14

I Almost Forgot

I almost forgot to mention what we would do if we received a bigger donation. Sometimes I dream about having a mission house in Japan. A place where teams can come and go throughout the year. John and Robby have mentioned having a coffee house. I’m open to whatever God wants to do through Japan Reach. It doesn’t hurt to dream Big like my son-in-law always says. ๐Ÿ™‚

Dreaming of a Mission House

Will you Pray About Giving Monthly?

Last night I was reading the story of Moses telling the Israelites to bring an offering to make a tabernacle for the presence of God to dwell. Moses was to receive an offering from everyone whose heart prompted them to give. God loves our willingness to give. He does not want it to be a burden on you to give to any ministry. He desires us to be willing and happy to give. In the story so many people were willing to give that Moses had to tell the people he had much more than enough needed for the work which the Lord commanded them to do. Can you imagine pastors, missionaries, evangelist, and full-time ministers saying we don’t need anymore, we have more than enough to complete the work.

God has a work for us to do. He commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. I would love to have more than enough to complete this work.

My heart has been stirred to give of myself, time, and resources. This investment is something I deeply care about. God has placed it on my heart and maybe He will place it on yours as well. Will you pray and see if God stirs your heart too?

Let’s work together to reach the Japanese people and give them the greatest gift of all, Jesus.

